Announcements and Reminders
The honorary Rotarian of the week is Kathy our much put upon waitress! Thanks Kathy for all your service to the club!
A special guest today was our scholarship recipient from Soquel High Ellie Gressley. She is going to study life sciences at UCLA.
Al reported made about $2000 in tips at the music festival and around $7000 total. We will have a fuller report next week.
Al’s second debunking is June 22nd.
Sunrise Rotary has a run on July 4th at Harvey west park. For more information see www.firecracker10k.org. 100% of the race proceeds will go to Teen Kitchen Project and American Red Cross.
The American Red Cross will also have a “Celebrate our Community Heroes” event on Friday June 16th at 8:30 AM at Twin Lakes Church.
Mike Ahern, our featured speaker, was here today to talk about electric bicycles (E bikes). He owns Current E bikes which is a local source for quality electric bicycles and Brompton folding bikes. It is located right by Kaiser arena on Front Street.
Mike had 30 years in the corporate technology world in electronic data base systems. He left San Carlos to move here and open this business. He says electric bikes make it as much fun going uphill as going downhill. The batteries can be recharged from full depletion in about 3 hours. The motor and battery are often now integrated into the design and some will integrate with your smartphone to tweek the motor and lock the bike with your phone.
There are three classes of bikes in CA and the first two are allowed to go up to 20 miles an hour. The class 3 bikes can go up to 28 miles an hour. This class is not supposed to go on a multi-use pathway where pedestrians are present.
“Pedal assist” means that there is a sensor that turns on the motor to assist you, even though you can still get good exercise. You can dial it up or down to increase or decrease the amount of effort you put into the ride. Their range can go up to 50 plus miles. They are much used in Europe where around 50% of the bikes are ‘pedal assist’. Here is the U.S. it is one of the fastest growing sectors in the market and in Asia it’s already huge. In the future the motor is getting smaller. Current cost begins at around $2000.
California state parks are allowing electric bikes on all their bike trails. City and County of Santa Cruz also allow electric bikes on their trails. Mike ended our meeting by letting us try out the bike that he brought.
Mike had a great trivia contest where people could win a free two hour ride to bike tune up. Congratulations to Pam, Kendra, Larry and Brenda for winning the trivia contests! Have fun on your bikes!
For more information see www.currentebikes.com