Our April 20 meeting was at Seascape.
We had about 20 attendees in person and Sue, Becky and Nelson  on Zoom

We had no musicians, so no opening songs.

Very nice to see Stan Abraham in person - that should happen more often

Dr Art gave the thought for the day: Righteous indignation is just jealousy with a halo!

Ken related a story from a client, upon visiting a clinic in a town in New Zealand, saw a plaque honoring Dr. Art Dover of Santa Cruz, California for stemming a local epidemic. Years later, Dr Art cured the same client of a parasitic infection that no other doctors had been able to diagnose, let alone!

We were graced with the presence of Paul's wife Lisa who is a new prospective member.  Lisa is a pharmacy rep.  She also attended our last Membership Monday at Cantine.  Lisa impressed everyone and by consensus will be a great addition to the club.

Lowry brought a prospective member too-Jack Hunt, a retired engineer.  Jack was also at the Membership Monday and has a fascinating background.  He would also be a great member.

Kendra reminded everyone of the May 6 Kentucky Derby party.  We were treated to suggestions for hats via from Kendra and Laura.   It was hard not to believe we were not at Paris Fashion Week. Until Laura modeled the St. Patrick's Day hat.....

Remember to bring wine to tonight's meeting at Fairfield.  To clarify- 2 bottles to donate to the Derby party-not to drink....

Win hosted the pickleball tournament for which Matt Weinstein was the successfull bidder at the Willy Roast and auction. Lowry and Laura rant the event. Matt, his wife Eileen, and six others attended. By all accounts it was a great success.

The Area 7 social is May 9 at Kaiser arena in downtown Santa Cruz- tickets are $5 at the door.

Laura and Nelson provided more information on District Governor Savita's Independence Through Hygienes project in India and Africa. Feminine hygiene products are generally unavailable to impoverished girls/young women who miss school during their cycle and eventually drop out, limiting their life choices. The club is making a $1,000 donation.

The Detective was Rich
He chose golf and SIRS as his topics- clearly catering to a select audience but geographically appropriate. We learned that SIRS stands for something generic like Seniors in Retirement but that other than playing golf they serve no function, so that's 2 strikes.  Rich, Doug, Lowry and Stan are members

Our guest speaker was veterinarian Marianne Burtch the founder of Birchbark Foundation.  Birchbark is a non-profit corporation that provides donated/discounted vet services for people and families who can't afford expensive procedures for pets when the pets are important to their owner's health and peace of mind.

The Foundation arranges 24-hour hospital services for domestic animals with the goal of providing the necessary treatment to reunite the pets with their loved ones.  They work with veterinarians in the community to give discounts for their services and Birchbark pays 50% of the remaining bill.  They have frank discussions with pet owners to make sure there is a good prognosis for the pets or, if not, the need for euthanasia.  Birchbark also provides grief support and educational webinars on pet care, emergency preparedness and preventable conditions.  One of the biggest conditions they face is urinary tract infections in un-spayed females.

Dr. Burtch noted the increased emotional reliance on pets during the severe parts of the Covid epidemic and how important the human-pet bond is.  She also said what we pet-lovers know- our pets provide unconditional love and are not judgmental.

Birchbark saved its first pet in 2013. That animal lived another ten years-just recently passing away.  The Foundation subsidizes emergency services for several pets every week, 32 so far this year.

Dr. Burtch showed a touching video about Birchbark's services.  We had some audio problems but the visuals alone were moving. To see it with sound, click here
BTW- Dr. Burtch is also a Stanford grad...

See everyone at Fairfield TONIGHT, not today. $20 fine for anyone caught going to the wrong place and/or the wrong time.

Buy your Derby Party tickets!!