Lowry has been moving forward with the speech contest and advising the contestants that the Feb. 17 date may not be in person and may be postponed.  Other clubs have gone to zoom competitions which remains an option.  Lowry and Doug D are weighing various factors including what the contestants want to do.
The nominated detective was unable to attend by Zoom so Trish donated $50 in fines which Al matched.  Much thanks to them both.
Michele announced that we needed to take down our holiday display, apparently ours was the last one standing.  We are taking the position that it was last one up because it was the best.  A crew of volunteers met at the fairgrounds, blessed with fair weather, and removed the display. Kelly, Lowry, Al. Julie, Trish, Art, Kendra, Michele, Laura and her granddaughter took down the holiday lights- also blessed by Michele bringing burritos and champagne.
Kendra announced that we got a donation of great stuff so “Wait ‘Til Next year!”    (Those of you who followed OLD baseball will recognize the motto of the old Brooklyn Dodgers fans.)
Our speaker was Laina Holzman, PhD. 
She is a Professor of World History and Middle East Studies at Golden Gate University and frequently has columns and letters to the editor in the Sentinel and Pajaronian.  In fact, the Sentinel published a letter from her on 1/7/22 that was a bit of a precursor to her presentation.  Dr. Holzman started with her analysis of  the January 6 2021 events at the Capitol from an immediate and historical perspective and her view of the movement and political climate that gave rise to it and continues.  She then spoke about the history of history- the ancient beginnings of record keeping  to the development of the printing press and now the proliferation of information and misinformation through public media.  Dr. Holzman also noted with approval an uptick in interest in classic literature lately at the college-university level.  She cautioned about the political dangers of false facts and the absence of critical analysis.  Dr. Holzman’s published works are available on line.  She writes on a variety of political and historical topics and events.
Keith was unable to have his birthday party in person because of family covid concerns.  Al, as chairman of the Sunshine Committee, organized a drive-through surprise birthday celebration for him with the secret cooperation of Keith’s son and neighbors.  Sunday morning about 30 Rotarians and 5 guests gathered at the Deer Park parking lot then caravanned to Keith’s house where he had been lured into his driveway.  Well-wishers gave their drive-through birthday greetings.  Keith was very moved.  Thanks to Al, Keith’s family and neighbors, and to all the Rotarians who showed what Rotary spirit is and what a great group we have!
The District granted us $900 for membership recruitment thanks to Mardi’s application!
Our next meeting will be on January 13, again via Zoom only.  It will also be a Club Assembly.  A Club Assembly is a meeting where Rotary club short term and long term goals are discussed by the members.  There will not be a guest speaker.  There will be some presentations about Rotary history.  It is very important that as many members as possible attend the meeting as it is informative, particularly for newer members, and is an opportunity for members to provide input as to directions the club should take and ideas for club activities like service projects and fund raising.  Any members who want to give a short presentation on club history or goals, or some aspect thereof, or agenda items, please contact Ken asap and please no later than Wednesday noon.
The zoom link will be the same one we have been using and is on the website. Please contact Kendra or Nelson if you have other zoom questions.