The September 9 virtual meeting was attended by 17 people via Zoom. President Elect Kendra presided as President Ken was allegedly doing something court-y. All indications are that it was a great improvement and a coup might be beneficial.
Mardi gets a gold star for attending from Peru. Al gets a star for leaving early. Julie would get a fine for leaving early but it might end up in President’s Ken’s bill.
There were no announcements. However, as per the newsletter item, Second Harvest is looking for volunteers for the food distribution 9/24 from 830 am to 1 pm at the fairgrounds. Michele B is coordinating but on-line sign ups are available. Anyone over 12 can volunteer. It would be nice to have a good turnout from our club.
As per Julie’s email- many folks are behind on their dues and fines, and we need them to get the accounts current.
Kelly N was the detective and asked questions about Rotary. A team effort led to recitation of the 4 Way test and its history. Especially impressive- Craig knew it was established in 1932 and Gram knew it was created by Herbert Taylor.
Our guest speaker was our own Yvette Brooks, a true Renaissance woman.

She is not only a club member but also the Mayor of Capitola and Executive Director of Your Future is Our Business (YFIOB). YFIOB is a Santa Cruz County-based non-profit focusing on linking schools in our county with businesses to expose students to career options and provide education bridging the gap between school and employment. YFIOB provides speakers, expos and panels to elementary, middle, high school and post-secondary students and provides avenues for students to interact with professionals and get hands-on work experience.
The board meeting is this Thursday at 11, still working on whether it will be by zoom or in person. The lunch meeting will be via Zoom- informal chatting at noon, meeting commences at 1230.
We miss our members, so please contact members who may have technology issues and see what can be done to help them out.