The club has changed the schedule for our community grants awards this year. We will delay the grant awards until fall of 2019 so that we can determine the exact amount of funds we have to distribute. Watch this site for more information.
Win announced the district conference will be May 18 and 19th at the U.S.S Hornet in Alameda. Go to to register.
Doug announced we will be giving three scholarships to Aptos High School and three to Soquel High School seniors to be awarded at a ceremony for graduating seniors. Congratulations to all recipients!
The meeting today began with Josh Sellers, Congressman Panetta’s local congressional aide spoke to us today about what is going on in congress. The Climate Action Now act is one of the bills that the congressman sponsored and has passed in the House.It holds the president responsible for upholding the Paris Accords.
Our speakers today, Tory Del Fevero and Christina Granados are partnership specialists with the United States Census Bureau. They spoke about the importance of participating in the 2020 census.
Ms Granados told us the census will begin April 1st 2020. It is how we distribute more than 675 billion worth of federal funding and sets a benchmark for 10 years. When completed data such as housing starts and income data will be available and redistricting and boundary lines use census data to be drawn appropriately.
She said the information will be safe. All information is used only in the aggregate and the data is sealed for 72 years. She said to be careful of fraudulent activity. Make sure the census collector has a badge and watermarked survey.
Ms DeFevero explained that you can go to the and get all kinds of information from their website ,even on genealogy! The 1950 census information will be released soon and will be publicly available. It will be online , in person or on the phone. Each family needs to fill out the data for their family. Also, she stressed that you can apply to be a census taker. The job is flexible and pays well and has benefits and the census bureau is interested in hiring local people.
For more information go to