The dedication for Leo’s Haven will be Oct 13th. The address is 1975 Chanticleer Ave from 1 and the festivities will take place from 10:00 to 2:00
We will be doing weeding at the The Farm Park in Soquel, a project for the restoration of Native Plants. The park is up from Soquel Drive (near Fairway): north on Harden, then to the right on Tee. It will be Saturday November 3 at 9:00 AM. This will replace our usual beach clean-up.
The District Governor’s visit is scheduled for Oct 11th. We will meet in the big room that day.
Friday Oct 26th will be the date for the dinner honoring our own Michelle Bassi, this year’s Woman of the Year. Make checks out to Aptos Seascape for $85 and give them to Doug to reserve our table.
Sandie will be honored by the Volunteer Center for a "Be the Difference" award at a luncheon at the Coconut Grove on Wed, Oct 24, 11:30. If interested in going see Pam.
Remember to turn in your Rotary Foundation Pledge Cards to John Fisher in the next two weeks! We would like to have them turned in before the district governors visit!

Peggy Townsend was our speaker today. She writes for UCSC and is a former Sentinel journalist. She is currently a mystery writer and spoke to us today about her career transition. The title of her first book is See Her Run.
She told us several exciting stories about her early years doing crime reporting. She reported a trial about a casket salesman who was convicted for murder. Another story was about a doctor who had defrauded Medicare and the judge who befriended him. She compared being a reporter to being a detective. She mentioned that Santa Cruz has quite a writing community and that she loves to do research.
She then told us about her current book featuring a reporter who violated the rules in San Francisco. She set her books in different parts of the city. The protagonist pursues the murder of a long-distance runner. When athletes allow corporations to run their lives is one of the themes of the book. The book has a great reviews in the NY Times and Kirkus Reviews as well as the Washington Post. She is with Thomas and Mercer publishers, an arm of Amazon and says it has been a great experience working with them. She is finishing a second book and is plotting a third book.
When asked about her writing techniques, she said she writes every day. She says this is necessary because she a “Plotter” who plots down to the minute of a book. She does a 30 page outline for a 270 page book. She says, however, the characters get under her skin and come alive and often end up doing things she hasn’t anticipated..
Her presentation concluded with a lively discussion with many questions.