We had few people attending the meeting this week, starting with Dave Andrews, Nelson Crandall, Anissa, Wen, Craig, Matt, Lowry, Sandra, Rich, Jim, Julie, Trish, Laura, Kelly and Sue, thanks for joining.
Matt says Cabrillo received a $5 million HSI grant that they plan to use for STEM education
Laura chaired the meeting
No guests or visitors
Matt: There are people who see a glass half full and are considered optimists; people who see a glass half empty and are considered pessimists; and people who drink the glass and are considered both optimists and pessimists
Nelson was the detective.
  1. Whose birthday is it today? Joni Stokes
  2. Whose birthday is it tomorrow? Graham Stokes
  3. What happened with regard to our solar system on this day in 1846? German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle discovered the planet Neptune.
  4. Today is National Checkers and Dogs in Politics Day. What does the game of checkers have to do with dogs in politics? Nixon gave his checkers speech on this day in 1952 (Kelly knew)
I’m giving you a name of a presidential pet. What kind of pet was it and who was the president?
  1. Murry the Outlaw of Falahill (Fala): Scottish Terrier – FDR (Kelly knew)
  2. Miss Beasley: George W. Bush; Scottish Terrier
  3. Macaroni: Kennedy – pony (Julie knew)
  4. Gabby: Eisenhower – parakeet (Laura came close)
  5. Grits: Carter – Border collie
  6. Him: Johnson – Beagle
Matt announced that at Thursday tonight and next week there will be community events who want to speak this way
ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm placing the Cabrillo Name Exploration website in the chat below - we have community dialogue sessions scheduled tonight and next Thursday from 6 - 7:30 pm.  The sessions are via zoom. Here's the link below:
We need guidance on how to contribute to the wheelchair drive.
Anissa introduced Richelle Noroyan, with 2nd Harvest
*Aarushi Thaker, Area 10 Director for Interact remind us that Area 10 shirts are still on sale!  
The proceeds for these shirts go directly towards the Area and the projects that Interact is doing this year. This is a great way to support Interact and get a cool shirt! Please share this to anyone who would be interested in getting one as well. 
Here’s the link to order: bit.ly/3nPeUvu