Our August 3 meeting was lunch at Seascape
We had a low turnout- only few attendees in person and none on zoom
Are the rest of you on vacation? Still hungover from debunking?

Lowry multi tasked- running the meeting and doing the tech since Nelson was elsewhere- well done though Mr. co-President

Welcome back Dave DeMatteis! It had been about 2 years?
Dave said he'd been over the hill(geographically) and had some health issues but he looks great and still has that resonant baritone voice like a classic radio announcer.

Nice to see Mardi in person
Anissa looked very patriotic in her red white and blue outfit
Our only guest was our speaker

Dr Art's thought for the day was a quote about the strength of a nation not being based on the stature of its leaders but the stature of the millions of mediocre people who strive to make it excel

Rich told the daily joke: this one was about how kids learn that drinking whiskey will prevent worms

Lowry played a video of Lisa speaking about her daughter to announce the good news that the design of the all access park in Capitola was accepted!
Aug 31st  is our service day at Second Harvest

Our next beach cleanup is Sept 9th
Which is also the weekend of the Capitola art and wine festival

The efforts to support the bookclub for kleptomaniacs has failed because they took everything literally

Matt was the detective and the topic was dogs in recognition of dog days
Among other things we learned:
Collie was the most popular breed in 1905
Only 77 million dogs in the USA

Matt is looking forward to not being dogged (sorry) about the Cabrillo name change after the vote next week.
Solution proposed by us- Wetstein U.  All in favor?
Continuing on the dog theme, our Guest speakers was Melissa Wolf of UnchainedMelissa gave a presentation about her non profit organization which has local  disadvantaged and at risk youth train abandoned dogs as mutual therapy.  After an 8 work interactive program the dogs are fostered out to welcoming families.  The kids are coping with disabilities, abuse, addiction, incarcerated parents or combinations of those.  The dogs have been abandoned or returned to shelters.  The kids and dogs share past experiences of abuse and abandonment and so there is a natural empathy.  Also, unlike humans, dogs are honest about their emotions, loyal and non-judgmental,

Shelters are overflowing now as there was a surge people not being able/willing to cope with dogs after taking them in during covid.  90% of the dogs in the program are adopted. 

Melissa said that many of the kids are skeptical of their future- they expect to die young, not have opportunity.  Maybe helping dog can change that- the kids report  feel better about future

The program got a resounding endorsement from director of Monterey county youth probation.

They are trying to expand into jails Santa Cruz and to hire a therapist for the kids.

A wonderful program- Melissa offered an invitation to anyone who wants to attend the next graduation ceremony but warns to bring tissues.

Michele B won the lottery but...she was taking her boy to college so no winner.
Membership Monday was Aug 7th at  Cantine and it was fun! We had Laura, Michele, Bill, Art, Sandie, Mardi and Pam who brought her guest Tarah-let's cheer for her to join us too! 
Guess Who: Trivia photos taken last week for detective/fundraising:
Our next meeting is at Fairfleld Inn.